> 5 year Gradualtion date - we will try to help you match with our researched recommendations.
Attempts on USMLE exams
Low Step 2 scores
USCE rotations advice
LOR advise
Mock Interview prep
Rank order list creation
You can do a “consultation session” with us where in you will have us and our experience and our recommendations for you 1:1 for 1 hour.
After paying and booking for “consultation session”
You will email us your CV, Steps attempts, scores, and Personal statement.
We and our experienced faculty of program directors, chairmen and faculty brain storm on your issues and problems. We as a group come up with tips, advise, recommendations for your particular situation like “old graduate”, “Low scores”, Multiple attempts on step 1 or 2”, “no interviews calls” etc.etc..
After that either Dr. Izhar or Dr Ilyas khan or one of the other program directors or chairmen or faculty spends 1 hour 1:1 with you discussing, explaining and exploring all best possible options for your particular individual case.
These personalized sessions have made success stories for 💯s of students.
We take pride and satisfaction in making you successful and achieve your goals!!
Please go to the website http://www.medicalstudentrotation.com and book your consultation session today with us.